When you’re in your 20s and 30s, death isn’t typically at the forefront of your mind. However, this is an important time to start considering how life insurance can benefit you and your loved ones. You’re probably sitting there thinking that life insurance is something for middle-aged parents with failing health, but it’s actually designed to benefit young adults and their families as well.

Even if you don’t have children, life insurance benefits can be used to fund your funeral expenses and pay off your debts, thereby relieving your family of the financial burden. Accidents and illnesses can happen to young adults, so it’s best to be prepared. And in the event that you die and leave behind a spouse, the life insurance benefits can be used to continue paying the mortgage (which is often based off of two incomes) and various other bills. This financial support can be extremely helpful in allowing your spouse to grieve without worrying about scrounging up the money to keep paying bills.
And obviously if you have children, life insurance benefits are crucial in ensuring their continued care and education. But children aren’t the only dependents that can benefit from this coverage. Some young adults are also responsible for elderly parents or disabled relatives.
One perk of purchasing life insurance at a young age is that young adults are generally in better health than middle-aged adults. Because insurance providers want to insure healthy individuals who can continue paying premiums for years to come, life insurance is cheaper the healthier you are. So, buying life insurance while you’re young and healthy can lock in a good rate, which shouldn’t change (depending on your policy) as you age, regardless of your changing health.
Ready to learn more? Call Overbay Insurance Services at 828.452.4699 for more information.